Package BOversized and Highlighted Text of your Company including Name, Address, Phone, Fax, Web link and Banner Ad (220X60 Pixels).
Package COversized and Highlighted Text of your Company including Name, Address, Phone, Fax, Web link and Banner Ad (220X60 Pixels). We also provide Access Statistics on a quarterly basis.
Package DSame as above complete with additional 1/2 Page Advertisement which consists of Text and 4 graphics only. Use this page to briefly describe your company.
Package ESame as above complete with additional Full Page Advertisement which may contain Text and up to 8 Graphics.
Package F595×250 Product Showcase on Front Page
Package G220×60 Additional Banner Ad on other pages
Package H220×60 Front Page Banner Ad, located in the Header Section of the Front page.
Package I220×60 New Products, Shop Online or Web Forum Banner Ad, located in Header Section of the page.
Package J220×60 Banner Ad located in the Header Section of the Manufacturers, Distributors, Service, Software or Video pages.
Package K220×60 Banner Ad c/w Web Link on Shopping Page
Package L150×90 Pixel Size Banner ad located in the body of the Front Page
Package M150×250 Pixel Size Rotating Tower ad located in the body of the Front Page
Package N768×90 Rotating Header Banner on Product Search Pages, this position is rotated with a maximum of 5 advertisers.
Package O120X600 Rotating Skyscraper Run of Site, this position is rotated with a maximum of 5 advertisers.
Package P120X90 Button ad Run of Site, this position is rotated with a maximum of 5 advertisers.
Package R220X240 Rotating Billboard ad on New Products Page, this position is rotated with a maximum of 5 advertisers.
Package SFlipping Book Catalog/Brochure Hosting. We convert your PDF’s to HTML5 Flipping Books and host them in our Virtual Library.